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How do I uninstall the EasyITGuys Remote Support Access Agent?

< 1 min read

  1. Open Control Panel ‘Programs and Features” or Add/Remove Programs. A quick way to get here is to press and hold the Windows Key and then press ‘R’, type into run ‘Appwiz.cpl’:
  2. A list of installed programs will display, select ‘ScreenConnect Client’ and click ‘Uninstall’:2.rss uninstall easyitguys
  3. A second confirmation to uninstall will show up, click uninstall again.
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  4. This is the standard administrative prompt, click yes.
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  5. Now the uninstall process will start. A window like this should appear.
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  6. The software will need to be shutdown to uninstall. Click the ok button to confirm.
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  7. The process will complete and the software will be uninstalled! You will see it’s no longer listed in your program installed apps list. Done! 7.rss uninstall 1

If you haven’t uninstalled the EasyITGuys RMM (Remote Management) agent, follow this guide –> How do I uninstall the EasyITGuys RMM Agent? | EasyITGuys